How to Match Different Color Shades…Matching Mystery Solved

How to wear shades of grey properly

What IS Fashion?

He struts down the street in black Dolce and Gabana shades, a red Ralf Lauren shirt, blue Guess jeans and Tims (Timbaland). Does he have a sense of fashion or style? Is he wearing what every one else is wearing? What does his fashion or style say about his social status?

A lot of persons are of the opinion that fashion and style are the same thing. Also, without even thinking it, we associate a person’s dress/fashion/style with their social class or how they are as a person. William Hogarth, an 18th century artist said it best. He said that it is possible to: “know the very minds of people by their dress.” So the male described above, one could infer that he is probably rich which is why he is able to afford those brand name products.

So, what is fashion?

Fashion is a way of dressing up the body essentially. It includes not only clothes, materials and shoes but glasses/shades, hairstyles, tattooes and piercings if you think about it. And while style and dress are sometimes used interchangeably with ‘fashion,’ they are different. Style refers to one’s personal way of putting fashionable items together. Finally ‘dress’ is a way of adorning the body with .

So, after considerable thought about the name of this blog I decided that the current name might be a little hard for some persons to pronounce. As such,I started exploring ideas with this brain of mine. Some of the names I came up with were: “Eye On Men” and “Men Seen”until my friend Thatcher came to me questioning and casing judgements as she always does. “‘Men See’? A wah kinda name dat?”  In English terms that means, “What kind of name is that?” Then my brain clicked! SEE MEN! A perfect play on the word semen. That’s it for now. Who knows, might change it again soon.


Inspiration behind blog!


This blog was birthed out of some crazy ass thinking people. I’m not really a “blog person” but was pressed to do this in order to pass a course and finish my degree. When the activity was brought up in class, I was so bored with the idea but after class my brain/mind started it’s exploration. Since I’m Jamaican, I was wondering if I should do something to make it blatant where I was born and to what nationality I am. I came up with the idea to call it “Outa Road”, meaning it would be wide to include all topics taking place in the streets so to speak. I also toyed with the idea of doing something related to nature or natural things like kinky hair, wood, trees, the environment and pieces of nature. Ultimately though, I wanted something that was serious and professional because this is a class assignment after all. At the same time I wanted a topic that both the general public, or a significant per cent of the international public, and myself would be interested in. Guess what happened after my brain was playing hop scotch! I said, “Why not do something about men?” Thereafter, I started considering a name for the blog. Did I want to make it Jamaican? In English? Or French? I decided to mix English with French since much inspiration of what makes a gentleman a gentleman, including dress and etiquette, was inspired by Europeans. And I am now hoping it is interesting enough for my viewers. I intend to explore different topics about men because we tend to leave them out a lot in society – whether in advertising, or making necessities available for them as much as they are for women. I hope I do you guys justice. Also, please note that though this site is about men, ladies are welcome. Enjoy!

What makes a gentleman

Some things gentlemanly